Friday, September 12, 2008

A Thousand Thoughts On God

I think about God quite a bit. Sometimes I catch myself thinking about him as if he's a concept. Most of the time I think about him as a real life entity that's living. I wonder why he has the power he has. Why does he know everything. Then I think about how he knows everything or how he can be everywhere at once. My friend thinks he's just really fast. I don't know. Talking with him is praying. Talking with you is just a conversation. Talking with him I ask silly things from him sometimes. Like superpowers. Then I ask serious things, like healing cancer, better understanding, and peace. Then sometime I just sit there…………waiting………wondering……….listening.

Then I try to think about God as if I were an Atheist. Trying to dismantle the building blocks of Christianity.
Then I try to think about God as if I belonged to some pantheistic religion. Were there are many gods. Maybe something like Shinto.
My feet never leave though. They remain unmoved and unshaken by my wondering mind. Much like someone flying a kite.
Its not that I'm content with Christianity. American Christianity is filled with cultural hang ups that restrict an individual or community from experiencing God with authenticity. Instead of worshiping God we're stuck often times worshipping our traditions.
Jesus is the centerpiece. The climax of a cosmic drama being played out in real time. He's the only reason why I believe in God. Content, isn't really a word I'd use for Jesus either. Following his example isn't necessarily a one way ticket to EasyLand. Its more like trying to answer really hard questions from friends, strangers, and family. Being looked at through a lens clouded by ignorance, stereotype, and televisions preachers. Living a life that's constantly being watched. Every little moral foul up your scrutinized and judged. For others its led to imprisonment and death. So I'll take the hard questions and scrutiny.

I often times put Jesus in a political context. When I read the four gospels, when I read the epistles, the old testament, and when I read revelations. I can't help but see Jesus as the usher of a new political landscape that will forever change the everything at every level organic and inorganic. I don't believe in Christendom in its ancient form nor do I believe in its modern form.
I believe in taking care of people and the world created for us. Its not some sort of new twist due to the new green trends. Being green was always a Christian duty. Its actually probably the most neglected. This is all in perspective that God has a will both on heaven and on earth.

1 comment:

starsarebent said...

I love it. Some of your questions can be answered with my theory of how God is *in* everything.

That way, He's everywhere at the same time. Not just fast (Ha!). If He's in everything, then he's in every molecule. Which means God is in our brain waves. Our thoughts. Which explains why he knows our thoughts. If God is in everything, it clearly explains why He has the power He has.

This can go on to explain much. He creates man in his own image. Because of this, people think of God as a man.... with special powers. Like the X-Men, or the Force (Nerd, I know.) However, it's difficult to think outside our small realm. To remember; image is not what defines.

When shown a picture of a horse, a child will most surely say "That's a horse!" We are at fault to agree. It's merely an image of a horse. A representation. So in theory, man represents God. In image, alone, perhaps. Maybe more.

But to think further and say that maybe Gods "image" is simply that in itself: God represented in a text book explanation. A visual to represent what God is, and to that effect, it makes sense why God created man in his image; So that we can give a face to the faith.
